This is possibly the ultimate underground creation with a dramatic ramped entry for cars to descend into the space. It is built below the gardens of a large country house and hidden from view with the exception of three large skylights and an entrance pavilion.

Car entry is via a remote controlled hydraulic lift up lid which leads down to a semi-circular ramp that enters directly into the middle of the basement space.

Inside, there is parking for at least twenty five cars in a space that is environmentally controlled. A powerful supply and extract ventilation system takes care of any exhaust fumes and is hidden behind half height timber strips. Below each skylight is a revolving turntable for display and manoeuvrability of selected cars.

A centrally positioned mezzanine level is ideal for entertaining family, friends or colleagues with a view of the cars below. This area can be fitted out with a bar, seating areas or a walk in wine cellar for example.